Who in their right mind that is not in an elite team would ride a bike like that!
Fact is i come across too many people who take up cycling and triathlon and the first thing they do is throw money around, doesn't help them one bit! Sure a few mates might take a polite interest, certainly a few theives will show a lot more interest but until you have learnt to ride then the bike whether 50 quid or a multipleof that doesn't matter.
Got to have the shiniest most expensive toys then go for this but like the people i meet at the TDF who think they are getting a good deal when they pay to cycle across the stage finish line, then you have more money than sense!
This year i am again riding the 2001 Fondriest alloy frame repainted pink for the 2009 Giro, does all i need including catching the "stars" when i need to do that. Only thing wrong with the bike is that it was supposed to be a free paint job (see www.parrabuddy.blogspot.com ) but the guy helping me(what a joke) stuffed up and a regular job from these jokers was 60 quid but they charged him 155 quid.
When i came over to put the bike together he had been retrenched but had those bristol jokers been dealing with me i would not have touched them with a pole, a year and more later i am still awaiting touchup paint . Fact is the job was substandard and i needed the bike to ride the Giro the next week.
As stated earlier the bike doesn't count but your ability does, this my 13th TDF is litle different to the others except today with the crap weather i decided to watch Sanchez chase down the peleton and jaffa ride in another breakaway , hope he has better resuls than saturday. Reports of snow on Tourmalet and problems with boys in blue (see www.TourDaFarce.blogspot.com) on route in this weather makes watching TV the best option particularly as the return trip would have meant 300 on the carbon saddle in cold,wet,indifferent weather.
Bike suppliers who would like a REAL workout for their bike can contact me but at your own risk as i don't insure any of my bikes!
Back to the TV for the latest action
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