Sunday, February 2, 2014


THE correct Link to the PAGE :


with the effort to get the Graphics created , i made several mistakes . It appears that you can GOOGLE the Title . At present it is the 3rd item , that comes up on my computer , not necessarily for others ? Once i have the French & Italian translations available , i will return to Sterndruck.at , to rectify the facebook address !

Worldwide , the " COWARD PASS ( hit & run ) " and " BULLYING PASS ( near miss of mm ) " is on the increase , as shown by the number of Media Reports ! Would it be that Media , are ONLY NOW realising that these problems have been there for decades ?

The Times of London have been straddling the fence in recent days with their input . On the one hand , they created " Cities fit for Cycling " , after the near fatal collision , involving their staff member , Mary Bowes , whose perpetrator got off LIGHTLY , when prosecuted in Court during 2013 . In recent days they carried a report about interaction of Cyclists with Pedestrians . The Headline left Pedestrians and Drivers , thinking that Cyclists , were responsible for collisions with Pedestrians ! Those who read the article carefully saw that the Collisions , took place on the ROADWAY , not on the pavement !

Since when can a pedestrian wander off the pavement , without looking , perhaps fiddling with their Cell phone / Ipad /electronic device , and expect the road to be EMPTY ? Reports suggest the " Transport for London Buses are involved with a DAILY " Killed or Seriously Injured Incident "!

My tweets on this subject :
With TFL Buses having a Daily KSI, can you name TODAY'S VICTIM? WHEN will U START "VisionZEROLondon"? When U R PM? START NOW!

Credit is due to BoJo as he has tackled the UK Government about Larger HGV s which are seeking to use UK Roads :
  1. With TFL Buses having a Daily KSI, can you name TODAY'S VICTIM? WHEN will U START "VisionZEROLondon"? When U R PM? START NOW!
    1. U think 130 FPN will cause fit of Safety Equip ? UK full of Gambler! 1000+ will DO JOB! 1 1/2M SAfePass
Frankly , there is one clear solution to STOPPING these Huge HGV s from entering London , sTOP them at the Ferry Ports !  A few white lines painted on the approach to the Customs / Immigration Control Office , with overhead CCTV Cameras will record the Reg.# of the vehicle and their OVERSIZE , so there is no later dispute with regard to Legal Action entered into by the Inconvenienced Parties :
Have Problem with UK Does NOT let them on FERRY! Might not RIGHT!

Around the Christmas Period there was a period of " Victim Bashing " , when the Authorities THOUGHT it a GOOD IDEA to launch " Operation SAFEWAY "! 35 times as many Cyclists were Stopped and " fined" by " Police Officers " , ill equipped to handle the situation ! rather than encouraging cooperation with CYCLISTS , they demonstrated that the POLICE had in most cases NO IDEA , what the " Highway Code " had to say about " Cycling " ! Result of this INEPT Operation was it being labelled " #OpGRIM" by ALL concerned . In addition , the 1999 Guidelines on Fixed Penalty Notices , were dug out and reissued :
  1. in 2012 1 UK ped kill/Cyclist & 253/ DRIVE! BIAS? NO? 1 eye Police ATTITUDE To Cyclist! WRONG !

Many Cycling Safety Org.s wrote to the Policing Authorities as a result of "#OpGrim " and my Tweet was:
This is my response to the Group's Great work : DO LIKEWISE Folks ?A letter to Sir Hugh Orde : " info@acpo.pnn.police.ukSir , In respons…

More resulted as the story grew :

  1. NOW highlights the UNIVERSAL Cycling Safety Problem that YOU ALL FAIL !

SINCE I HAVE HAD NO REPLIES , or even RT (retweet ) , the minions are sifting out the message to their Principals ? When it happens to THEIR Family , what then ?

Demonstrating that Social Media has consequences , was the prosecution in Norfolk of a woman that Tweeted about her " BULLYING PASS " , which gained her International notoriety , lost her , her Job and emptied her pockets ! Luckily for her , it was not a " COWARD PASS " , which could have seen her in Jail !  

Today we have another case of "TWEETING Stupidity " , the man involved drives his Employers vehicle , the SOUTH Australian Police , his Employers and a variety of Cycling Safety Org.s are ALL alerted . What chance does he have of sitting in the truck on monday ( t/row ) , let alone driving it , as he is employed to do ? How many more out there like him , that carry THAT Attitude ?

Currently there is a Petition in Australia , started in Tassie as a result of the " Coward Pass " on a young Rower , out on the training Cycle ride , backed by @AmyGillettFdn . ALL that is being asked for , is 1M safe Pass to be a Federal LAW ! With the EU having 1 1/2M in place , it is disappointing that Australian Law Makers are reluctant to aCT ! Time the gutless led by @tonyabbottmhr , got around to recognising the interesting fact that 4 million Aussies ride REGULARLY and that 7.3 MILLION bikes were sold in a period of 2007 to 2011 , as reported here :


The CPS , that bunch of spineless individuals , that the hard pressed Police Officers have come to " despise/ hate " , decided to go for " reduced charges " since they wanted a 100% proof prosecution rather than prefer a variety , so that the Magistrate could choose the level of PENALTY to impose !

Too often now the " Policing Authorities " are finding that they wish to meet the Public's wish for MEANINGFUL Sentencing for " Road Crimes " , yet the CPS ( Criminal Prosecuting service ) decide to go for lower Penalties in order to get ANY CONVICTION ! " Jury Blaming " is not acceptable , as an excuse , the JUDICIARY , should be instructing the Jurors to set aside THEIR FEELINGS , they are there to decide THE LAW and the appropriate decision as to whether it has been broken ! THEY are NOT there to decide WHAT PENALTY THEY WOULD WISH TO RECEIVE , if in the same situation ! Read the Media articles , then ask yourself , " WHAT WERE THEY THINKING "?

In the light of this MESS , the CPS and the Juries attitude to those being Prosecuted , the CTC ( Cycling Touring Club Charity ) has created the following Petition :


Hopefully the Authorities will respond FAVOURABLY ?

With Police Officers , reported to say "
“you cyclists take your lives into your own hands”.

Can CYCLISTS , after bing "skittled " expect an overnight change in the attitude of " Institutionalised Neglect "?



Petition the police: the recommendations

Road Justice: the role of the police highlights failures of the police and the lack of resources available to support road traffic policing. These must be addressed to help improve safety for cyclists.
The report sets out the following 10 recommendations including how will we know when we have succeeded.

Click here to go back to the petition.

Additional Cycling Specific rules applicable in Adelaide , Australia :

CYCLING SPECIFIC ROAD RULES  :  http://m.couriermail.com.au/news/national/how-drivers-and-cyclists-are-doing-battle-on-daily-commute-on-adelaides-roads/story-fnii5yv5-1226815871934

HAND signals must be given when turning right

CYCLISTS may ride in an emergency stopping lane unless prohibited by a sign

CYCLISTS cannot ride more than two abreast unless overtaking.

WHEN riding two abreast riders should not be more than 1.5m apart.

CYCLISTS may ride in bicycle, tram, bus and transit lanes unless prohibited by a NO BICYCLES sign

CYCLISTS must ride in the bicycle lane unless it is impractical to do so

ONLY a rider of a bicycle who is under 12 years of age may ride on a footpath

THE rider of a bicycle must wear an approved bicycle helmet

AT night the bicycle must have a flashing or steady white light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the front of the bicycle; and a flashing or steady red light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the rear of the bicycle

CYCLISTS must not lead an animal while riding a bicycle either on a path or a road.
