Not a day passes that i am not on the bike in one form or other , due to the need to energise the muscles . Rain or Snow limits the riding to the TACX indoors , but rarely have the roads been so bad that an outdoor outing was not advisable .
Daily i check a few " Cycling Safety Pages " to catch up with what the rest of the world is experiencing . Rarely do i see ANY GOOD NEWS ! Fact is the attitude to Cyclists / People on BIKES is so pathetic , that one wonders WHY the aggressors think that they are allowed to behave in such a manner ? Are they SO LOW in Self Esteem , that they resort to BULLYING those that they do not know ?
It matters not , what part of the English Speaking World that you live in , Cyclists experience the type of ABUSE that would not be allowed in any of those Countries if directed at a particular member of a Racial or Religious Community .
When there are Policing Authorities that work hard at identifying Racial Hatred and Internet Bullying , it seems strange that theey TOTALLY IGNORE the welfare of CYCLISTS !
IF Cycling was a Religion , would there be the same COMPLACENCY ?
A person getting on a BIKE , does not become INVISIBLE / NON PERSON ?
Those of you that want a little light relief , as one cyclist fights back , should have a lool at :
such a pity that it has been dormant for years , more people with the same idea would ensure that vehicle drivers would take greater care .
In recent weeks i have stopped contributing comment to :
Seems there are about 4k+ keyboard warriors there , leaving a hard core of enthusiasts to carry the load . Repeatedly i have called on the Co Founders to create the means to CONTRIBUTE Monies to help defray the expenses generated by their " DIE IN Actions " !
In 2015 there has been 6 Events in London brought about by HGV Traffic violence ! Each of these " Die INs " has had less Media Coverage than was deserved .
In recent days there has been a number of reports that indicate that WOMEN are suffering continual harassment as they take to the roads on their bikes :
BULLIES will always seek to attack the weaker , thus even though they are in their mobile coffin , those chancers will prefer to risk confrontation with an older lady , than a young guy ?
Very few Cyclists have the ability or TIME to chase down the perpetrators , but i can tell you that in recent times , that when i have suffered as the result of a " Marked Vehicle " , i have gone to the office of the Vehicle Owner or the Head Contractor and caused them to seek out the driver for an explanation of their behaviour . Very rarely has there been a refusal to cooperate when dealt with on a person to person basis .
When more CYCLISTS / People on BIKES , take the time to deal with the Owner of the offending Vehicle , there will be a change of attitude , due to fear of the consequences of this " ANTI SOCIAL" behaviour ! What Business spends/wastes money to advertise themselves as a source of DANGER to their potential client base ?
Those that live in Co. Wexford will be aware of the " Cycle Safety Signs " ?
To encourage MORE AWARENESS , there is a competition that can be joined by a visit to :

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