Friday, October 18, 2013

TONY ABBOTT ! A Cyclist at RISK ?

Sunday Morning after a late night celebrating , becoming the New Prime Minister of Australia ,
found Tony on his bike , an occurence that is reported to be a daily activity . Seems that he is the type of person that enjoys starting the day in the fresh air . As a private citizen he would be an anonymous figure riding the roads of Canberra whilst Parliament is in Session , perhaps less so when at the Family home in the Sydney suburbs?

Like every other Cyclist he would be risking his life when in close proximity to those that have a grudge against Cyclists ? Where ever in the world you live , it appears that the " Vehicle Operator " regards a cyclist as " road furniture "! What is in the mind of those that jump in their vehicle ? Does enclosing themselves in a vehicle change their " MINDSET " , causing them to ignore their responsibility to other Road Users ?

Normally i regard Trucks as being driven by " PROFESSIONAL Drivers " , in general the greater percentage are thoughtful on country roads . There are a few that need a reminder , having me tell their Client  at pickup , about their driving behaviour as they arrive to make that delivery or pickup , comes as a surprise that they and their employer don't enjoy . Imagine how the client feels about their " Products " travelling with a driver who has a blatant disregard to others on the road ? Not ALL Clients will call the driver's employer or the alternative , the Polizei, but the fact that you have turned up on their doorstep adds to the daily burden and i doubt that the driver will be prepared to risk a repeat of the event ?

Cyclist Safety is currently getting some attention by the Queensland Government in Australia . Many Witnesses have been invited to OFFER their evidence to the Committee . Many Cyclist Safety Groups such as the " Amy Gillett Foundation " & " Safe cycling Australia " have added their views . Other parties such as Vehicle Operators have also been offered the opportunity .

In declining to attend this Committee , the " Queensland TruckingAssociation Ltd", sent the following letter :

24th September 2013

Howard Hobbs MP
Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee
Parliament House
George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000 Your Ref: CYC_130912_03

Dear Howard
Re: Inquiry into Cycling Issues
I write to provide a brief response to the Transport Housing and Local Government Committee,
Inquiry into Cycling Issues.
I am unable to accept the invitation to appear before your Committee on the 1st
 October 2013 due
to prior commitments.
My submission takes the form of some general comments without necessarily specifically
addressing the dot points (Terms of Reference) in the email dated 12th September 2013.
I am familiar with the presentation to your Committee by the Department of Transport and Main
Roads. I support in general the Department’s submissions.
The Queensland Trucking Association Ltd is the pre-eminent spokesgroup of heavy vehicle
operators involved in the delivery of the Hire and Reward freight task. The freight task is critically
important to the Queensland economy and the Queensland community and already operators
under a range of parameters imposed by Road Law.
For further detail of the freight task and the important role of the heavy vehicle industry I refer you
to the following:
 The Draft Moving Freight Strategy shortly to be endorsed and released by Government. The
Minister for Transport and Main Roads held a meeting of key stakeholders on the 18th July
2013 and sought detailed submissions/responses from key stakeholders.
 The Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2013/15, in particular those elements which have a
direct impact on heavy vehicle safety. My Association is engaged with the Department ofTransport and Main Roads to further develop activities and strategies designed to deliver
heavy vehicle safety outcomes.
 The Australian Trucking Association recently released a report titled - Future Strategy for
Road Supply & Charging which can be accessed via the link embedded in the title of the
report. This document was prepared by and reflects the views of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Its primary function is to address the issues of heavy vehicle charging and road pricing. You
may find this document valuable in understanding the demographics of our industry and the
challenge of finding a balance between road pricing (registration charges and fuel excise) and
supply side reform (road funding).

My Association has a very firm view that we need to participate as an industry with the community
in the reduction of road crashes and fatalities. It is our view that a significant component of actions
to be taken include education of the community and more broadly all road users including cyclists

in Sharing the Road with Heavy Vehicles. 

It is our considered view that your Committee not recommend solutions in relation to cyclists
safety which would make it even harder to manage safety outcomes for heavy vehicles, light
commercial vehicles and other road users. An example of such policy failure was the trial
introduction of confining heavy vehicles to a single lane (the left hand lane) on the Brisbane Urban
Corridor three years ago. This so called solution was un-enforceable from a policing perspective,
created significant risks for motorists turning into or out of access on the left hand side of those
roads which make up the Brisbane Urban Corridor e.g. Mt Gravatt-Capalaba and Kessels Roads.
In our view any considerations and recommendations of your Committee must be enforceable,
must be practicable and must not impede the efficiency, productivity and safety of all other road
users in particular the heavy vehicle/freight industry.
I trust that these few comments assist your Committee, provide insight into the heavy vehicle
industry and the freight task and direct you to a number of documents to assist in that regard.

Yours Sincerely
Peter Garske
Chief Executive Officer

PO Box 325, Stones Corner Qld 4120 Ph: (07) 3394 4388 Fax: (07) 3397 9324

Transport Industry House, 1/96 Cleveland Street, Stones Corner admin@qta.com.au http://www.qta.com.au
Delivering to Queensland Since 1907 ~ The Industry Voice to Government

As i am sure people are aware , this letter is written by the " VESTED INTEREST GROUP"!

thus this :  " in Sharing the Road with Heavy Vehicles. "      could be considered as a reasonable response ? I separated out that remark from the letter , so that people would be aware of this .

Wonder if Tony feels in the mood to take a ride in Queensland , when he next has occasion to spend time there ?

Some ideas i read which may help those seeking to make Cycling safer :

 " Governments need to move away from spin and tokenism and show commitment and leadership when it comes to encouraging cycling. There are three areas requiring attention to get results :

1). Education and promotion, first about the benefits of cycling to all, not just the cyclists, and
second about key safety issues facing cyclists. What is needed is not just a perfunctory effort as has happened in the past, but a proper sustained media campaign that produces behavioural changes.

2). Better infrastructure, including continuous uninterrupted cycling infrastructure, separated as
far as possible from motorized traffic. The Government needs not only to commit adequate funds, but actually show the political will needed to implement infrastructure to protect cyclists in the face of opposition.

3). Better laws and law enforcement. Current laws do not adequately protect cyclists as vulnerable road users and the laws that do exist are not properly enforced.

Motorists frequently act with apparent impunity, with illegal and hazardous actions towards cyclists occurring all the time, yet there are rarely any consequences for the culprits.

As usual , those reading this blog , will find it too hard , to offer their ideas ?

ADDITION on sat 19/10/13

Hey Tony , NO Aussie interested in your welfare , but the Chinese appear to be ?

stats on blog

United States
Hong Kong

TONY ABBOTT ! A Cyclist at RISK ?
Oct 18, 2013
Dec 9, 2012
Jul 12, 2011
Oz Cycling's FUTURE ?
Oct 15, 2012


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